Breeding Behaviour


Fish Crazy
Sep 10, 2007
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i currently have 4 peppered corys and have grown almost twice the size since i got them and seem very happy. in the past month and inparticular the past week they have been acting as though they are trying to breed, one will follow the other around and it looks like hes swimming side on to her and trying to get her attention, then one of the will go away and start cleaning the broad leafed plants i have. i have never seen eggs but i think they would probably be eaten by tank mates anyway. what i wanted to know is do they do this as a practice before they actually breed or am i most likely just not seeing the eggs? i will try and get a video of them when they do it next.
Hi sarah86 :)

It's possible that they are thinking about spawning. Seeing a video might make it easier to tell.

When they do spawn, they don't pair up, but several males will chase her at once until she makes a choice. When that happens she just turns and pushes him on the side until he rolls over. This begins the T position which, once you see it you will know exactly what is happening. She will be carrying the eggs away between her fins to place on the glass or plants.

C. paleatus are often known to be egg eaters, so be prepared in case yours are too.
thanx inchworm, i often see 2 chasing the other but then she seems to choose one of them. ive not seen them in the t position yet. i am thinking of getting 2 more tomorrow to make it up to 6, im sure they will be happier with more friends, they are such active little fish.
Hi sarah86 :)

The corys will appreciate having more of their kind to play with. Can you post pics of them?
i will try and get some pics of them later. does the female become a bit rounder/plumpler when they are thinking about spawning? one of them in particular seems to be a bit more podgy than usual
Hi sarah86 :)

Yes, to a certain degree, but the female paleatus are usually quite a bit larger than the males anyway. To get them conditioned for spawning, it helps to increase the amount of live blackworms or tubifex worms or frozen bloodworms. This will make her strong and cause her to develop more eggs inside her.
lol maybe ive just got a greedy one! she (presuming its a she) is considerably larger than the others

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