I have a male and female betta right now that I'm trying to breed. The male has just a little bit of black on his chin and lips and the female is pure white. I hope to get some half blacks or all black fry. It will be interesting to see what they produce. I can't believe how nice the male is to the female. From my reading I was expecting for him to be chasing her everywhere. At first I had tons on plants in there so ensure that she would be alright, but it was too much and it was tiring up the males fins to move around because these where plastic plants. Now there is only one plant and that female doesn't even hide. She just sits at the bottom while the male works on his bubble nest. Every one in awaile he'll go down and flare at her to get her to do something but he's pretty good to her. So far they have been in the same tank for 2 days. Still waiting for some ''action'' but nothing yet. hahaha!!