Breeding A Common Clown Fish Is It Possible

Yes it is possible, but very difficult to breed Clownfish. I am not qualified enough to give you instructions, however.

Anemones are not reccomended for keep in aquariums as their survival rate is incredibly low. They are better off in the wild where they can live their entire several-hundred-year lifespan :)

Yes it is possible, but very difficult to breed Clownfish. I am not qualified enough to give you instructions, however.

Anemones are not reccomended for keep in aquariums as their survival rate is incredibly low. They are better off in the wild where they can live their entire several-hundred-year lifespan :)


so theres a possibility that they can breed even without any anemonies but its hard to do right
From what I hear exceptionally difficult and anemones are NOT required. The nem is usually not involved in the clownfish breeding process at all. If you truly are interested, check out a book called "Clownfishes" by Joyce Wilkerson
Clowns will host in any number of corals etc, there is no need to add a Anemone to any tank & defo a bad idea in a newbies young tank

If you are serious about rearing Clowns than get the book recommended by Ski & do loads of reasearch on the subject

But stay away from Nems for the time being IMO
i totally agree with lyden let the anmones stay where they will live a full life span they are to hard to keep in the aquariums.
just thought i would bring it up
Dude, do a little research. Clowns are not difficult to breed. Rearing them however can be difficult. More difficult than that however is keeping an anemone alive for an extended period of time.

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