Breading Tank


Jul 14, 2007
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Basingstoke, Hants. UK
I am in the process of seting up a Breeding tank for my pearl gouramis and am trying to find some ideas

Its a jewel tank with inbuilt filter and heater which is great as its nice an neat but im trying to find a way to difuse the filter as its disruptive and will hamper ease of a bubble nest.

Would putting a foam end on the output a) work and b) not strain the pump????

Secondly making a floating device for the nest. Im taking it im after something to contain the bubbles in a area. would a nylon lanyard work? or does it need to cover the whole surface? would the nylon have any chemicals on it? I could make a silicone one if soo.

Finally other than a teracotta pot what can i use to make a good couple of hiding places for the female? thanks.
If you deflected the filter outflow towards the bottom of the tank it wouldn't disturb the bubble nests or hurt the flow.

For a floating nesting material I'd recommend floating plants like water lettuce or lillies.

For hiding places I'd once again recommend live plants.
the filter will be fat to much for breeding, you want to use nothing.....

Once the fry are free swimming then use a well used air powered filter as this will also help to feed the fry with microscopic foods on the sponge.

As for the bubble best floating plants. Pearls are also very prolific once they start ;)
Alternative filter is not an option really so i need to sort out the existing. The filter was only going to be used up till near breading then turned off. water changes once fry are born to keep clean till big enought for filter to be on.

as to plants im not wanting to run a lighted tank for plants hence something fake.
Have u got any micro foods or brine shrimp eggs for the fry?

Dont worry about the filter or nest stuff, he'll be fine. if he dose have trouble then add some bubble rap.

Just try to move some of the filter meadia to a good filter and return when turning it back on to add aid the bacteria.
i have a stingray 15 internal filter in my juwel 180 to run with the compact filter so when my fry are being born i turn off the juwel filter and leave the stingray on as fry doesn't get sucked into it
i also have a stingray in my fry/shrimp tank and that doesn't suck in any shrimplets or fry

just an idea i know i have guppies and platys which are different and i transfer my fry as soon as they are born , accross to the fry tank but the stingray is a thought if you want to keep filtration when the fry are free swimming

some of the shrimpo breeders also use this and have had not problems

good luck with your breeding

Sarah xx
I would use a small air driven sponge filter set to a slow trickle using gangvalves or maybe even no filter at all in a sparse breeding setup. I would have some clay plant pots with feather type folage plants and indian fern as floating plant. This will be enough to hold the eggs. Or you could try a square of polystyrene with the centre cut out to hold the nest. I would also advocate coverglasses to keep the surface area at a constant temp for when the fry develop their Labyrinth organs.
Some good points there thanks.

Yes the removing of the media and re adding makes sense i hadn't thought of that only setting it in a filter beforehand.....

as to the cover glass my house is warm and TBH my large tank stays at about 25 with no heater whould this be ok or still have a coverglass????
You need to cover the top. as when the fry 1st start the breath air if it cool or to dry it will kill them, covering it will keep it much warmer and at 100% humidity.
Using the glass lip at the top of your tank. purchase some "E" channel (plastic) from B&Q. Cut 2 pcs to the length (or slightly less) of your tank. Now get 2 pcs of glass (4mm float) cut 4mm short of the width and 100mm over the halfway point on your length of your aquarium. Slot the 2 pieces into the channel. (1 upper / 1 lower) Silicone a marble or similar on each piece of glass to enable you to slide the covers open and shut.

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