brave little guy


Fish Herder
May 10, 2004
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hi everyone, something happened to me tonight and i thought i'd just share it with teh rest of you :)

some you guys might know that i have some betta fry with me at the moment, they are about a month old now, and just started to show me some dorsal fins and things :D

iether way, today i was spending my time staring at them :wub: and i noticed that oen of my fastest growing fry had something sticking out of its mouth :blink: i took a closer look, and found a tiny black..thread or something sticking out of his mouth,a dn himt rying to eat it. (no clue how that got int he tank). but anyways, after a few hours, i noticed that it was still sticking out of his mouth, and fearing that this may hinder his eating abilities, i scooped him up in a spoon and tried to take out the thread using a piar of tweezers.

Argh, it was horrifying. I didn't think the thread was that deep, but apparently it was VERY DEEP! after i saw that i put him back right away and decided nto to mess with him.

Another few hours went by, and i cehcked on him again, only to see that the thread was so long that it ran through his entire little digestive system :-( :-( I saw him pooping some of the thread out, while a portion of it was still sticking out of his mouth!!! :sad: it broke my heart, i was pracitcally in teras seeing that litlte guy. He tried to eat some of hte microwroms (and surpingly he could!).

Anyways, i hop ehe pulls through :flex: hes a tough little guy, and i noticethat mroe of it is getting pooped out, so i'll just hope for the best :sad:
awww,bless his little heart.What a day! I hope he poops it out with no problems :thumbs:
:wub: thanks wuv, you can never underestimate the will power of those little guys!! i tried to look for him among the other ones but i can't tell the difference :S i hope i dont' see a dead fry tmr :-(
At this point I would let him deal with it. If you can get him a tiny peice of pea, I would try. That peice of string could rip his internals, especially if he is a fry..

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