Brand New To Live Plants


New Member
Apr 5, 2012
Reaction score
Oregon, USA
I have never had live plants in fish tanks. So, after being told that live plants would help keep ammonia and algae in check, I brought home my first fern today. I asked for java fern and was handed a 4" tropica fern. I have gravel on the bottom of the tank and the decorations for now are a large resin rock and a couple of small natural rocks along with several plastic plants. Does the fern have to be rooted to something, or can it just be put in the gravel? I would like to keep the decorations removable for cleaning if need be. Also, is there anything else I need to do with it? I am clueless.
I have never had live plants in fish tanks. So, after being told that live plants would help keep ammonia and algae in check, I brought home my first fern today. I asked for java fern and was handed a 4" tropica fern. I have gravel on the bottom of the tank and the decorations for now are a large resin rock and a couple of small natural rocks along with several plastic plants. Does the fern have to be rooted to something, or can it just be put in the gravel? I would like to keep the decorations removable for cleaning if need be. Also, is there anything else I need to do with it? I am clueless.

I would not bury the roots. It is best to tie it to something because the roots like to be above the substrate.

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