Brand New To Cichlids, Help Please!


New Member
Apr 10, 2006
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Hi, I have a 20 gallon US tank in my room and currently only has 1 Corydora in it. I'd like to get into something new and thought cichlids might be the way to go. i have NO idea if i can mix cory's in w/ cichlids. I pretty much have no information on cichlids at all. If anyone can help me get started or give me tips or info id reallllllly appreciate it. Thanks so much!

the only cichlids you could get are dwarf cichlids. Normal new world cichlids will outgrow a 20 gallon or are too aggressive to be in a 20 gallon. German rams, bolivian rams, kribensis are good. I think since you are new to cichlids, bolivians would be the best for learning as they are similar to german blue rams, but are less susceptible to water conditions.
i forgot to mention ill be transfering all the fish to a 55 gal soon. in that case what can i get. also how do i determine which cichlids are which. they all look the same to me.. :blink:
i forgot to mention ill be transfering all the fish to a 55 gal soon. in that case what can i get. also how do i determine which cichlids are which. they all look the same to me.. :blink:

I would still stick with the Bolivian Rams. They are a more hearty fish than other dwarf cichlids and will be peaceful towards your other tank mates. Most other cichlids grow to atleast 6 to 8 inches and might be a little too big or just too aggressive for your tank/ tank mates. If you go with the rams, you could have two breeding pairs in the 55G and that will probably be even nicer than just having one lone larger cichlid. The fish are happier when they have a mate.

This will tell you all about the Bolivian RamBolivian Ram

If you want to see other cichlidsNew World Cichlids
But as note of warning......If you choose a larger species, make sure it's adult size does not exceed 8 to 10" for the 55G as it will not be able to turn around if it is larger than that and make sure it is not super-aggressive as it may end up harrasing your other stock to death.
i would, wait til you get the 55G,
then go for some nicer cichlid, rams are ponsey face it...
there are plenty of smalelr sized non dwarf cichldis that are easy to keep and breed in a 55g.
firstly are you aim ing to keep and breed a singualr type of fish? or have jsut a mixed tank of cichlids.
because only certain fish can go together.
if you was aiming to breed a fish, id go for
jade eye cichlid,
a singular pair would love a 55g.
but if you wished to have a variety of fish, you decide on wether u want aggressive or gentler fish,
convicts being fairly small and aggressive, whilst the severum can get quiet large, but still is a peacefull fish ( alot of the time ) you could get blood parrots etc. the list goes on!, search the cichlid index on this forum and gather information on the various diferent types of cichlids :)
hope that lengthy reply helped :p
yeahh, i deffinitly don't want my fish breeding. I'd like to get about 6-7 decent sized fish and maybe a couple bottom dwellers (such as my cory's and a pleco). I'm looking for fish that get about 5 inches, and i wanna do some nice rockwork and sand. Then top it off w/ moonlighting. I'm not into having fish breed, that would be a HUGE pain. I'm just looking to keep it good looking and mostly simple.
I'd do one firemouth, one sajica, one salvini and maybe a rainbow cichlid, no cories though, maybe a plec. Though i'm growing out of my cichlids and going back to what I used to keep, oddballs and catfish.
i can't have any cory's?

You can if you don't want cichlids. Either way, one has to go. The cichlids will attack the cory's and that is just a bad situation for the cory's. Cichlids are best kept in species tanks, maybe with only a single pleco in there as the only non-species.
Corys should be fine with dwarf cichlids such as Rams and Apistos.
Rams yes, not so sure on the apisto's though, they can get abit territoral, as do rams but only when breeding.
oddballs and catfish can live with cichldis easily, i mean in my tank i have bichirs and a hujeta gar, and there fine, not to mention a plec and a syno.
rainbows will mostly breed in groups if you dont wish your fish to breed its probably easier to get one of each...
my pair of apistogammas ignore my three lepard corries so in my opionion they would be fine together but maybe it depends on the fish themselves like gouramis where some are nice and some are evil and attack everything - i don't know thats only a suggestion
oddballs and catfish can live with cichldis easily, i mean in my tank i have bichirs and a hujeta gar, and there fine, not to mention a plec and a syno.
rainbows will mostly breed in groups if you dont wish your fish to breed its probably easier to get one of each...

Catfish, yes, but he said corys. The problem with corys is that they are totally stupid about territorial boundaries. Being themselves happiest when piled on top of each other in a great communal embrace like pigs in a stye, they do not understand the concept of personal space. They also cannot stand up to aggression. Hence the difficulties with keeping them with any fish that is going to regard part of the bottom level of the tank as their territory.

Plecs or synos would work a lot better, being tougher and having more spatial sense.

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