Brand New Bn


Fish Crazy
Apr 8, 2006
Reaction score
Staffordshire, UK
Just got a new BN, its only about 1-1 1/2" long at the moment, acclimatised it and its just gone straight for the algea on the back of the tank, its sucking the glass behind one of my peices of bogwood so i cant get a pick atm but its soo kool :good:
Congratulations Caino!
They are such a lovely Pleco and probably one of the cheapest!!!
Sadly, I lost one of my males the other day, I'm not sure what he died of though :sad: I've still got two males and they are doing well.
Can't wait to see pictures :good:
Aww, mine has taken to what must be the hardest place to photograph in the entire tank... in the corner under a peice of bogwood...
They certainly like to stay away from the camera, don't they? I've sat for ages trying to get a decent photo of my Plecos and just when I think I've got the shot they wiggle off! Lost count of how many pics I've took that are just a blur.
lol i can only ever take a picture of my tiger plecs tail, he just sits in a little hole in the bogwood all day, only comes out to munch bloodworms. He is getting to big for the hole now thou lol, half of him stick out, i think he thinks if he cant see me i cant see him :shout:
lol i can only ever take a picture of my tiger plecs tail, he just sits in a little hole in the bogwood all day, only comes out to munch bloodworms. He is getting to big for the hole now thou lol, half of him stick out, i think he thinks if he cant see me i cant see him :shout:
:lol: :lol: :lol:
I got a pic, its a bit bad and its cleaning day today soo :crazy: , and excuse the fake plant, im getting rid of them slowly!

I love my BN. He is eating a little prawn I have put in the tank right this very moment. He is the cutest.

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