Hey steelhealr & xxBarneyxx- You guys have been extremely helpful in the past, imposing again! Finally got my 24gal Aquapod this week, now have sand, salt, heater, thermometer, haven't ordered live rock yet but, waiting till all on go! Basic question, once you mentioned using pvc pipe to set your rock on, I believe
I understand the advantage, good circulation etc, now what size pipe did you use, and how, just a piece here and there or what, also the white hot
water pipe, grey or does it matter? I hope to cure all at the same time, new tank, sand, and rock, is this feasible? I got the new power head(see I know
now it's not just a pump), should I use it in addition to the pump that came with the uniot, if so where do I put it? Oh it's the Maxi-Jet 1200. Where do I put
the thermometer and heater, if in the back compartment, where? The heater is fully submersible. Should I be ordering sand cleaners etc in the near future
and do you mind recommending, snails, gobies, shrimp or what, cost is an issue? I realize you folks didn't take me to raise especially since I'm 81, but no
since me messing up big time and throwing money away I don't have, how sad, HA! I've been fabricating my stand for the tank, reason I've been out of
pocket awhile, had fun too! Please just any advice you might pass to me will be so very much appreciated!!! I know nussing!
ps-ALSO, I got 20# of sand, I
assume this should be plenty,
base 19.75 x 13 inches.