Brain Coral


Feb 23, 2006
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Harlow, Essex
i have just picked myself up a brain coral and i am in 2 minds where to position it now 1 I could place it direct on the substrate or I have a smooth piece of rock that it could go on it has a kind of curve and is very smooth ill show in a pic where would be a good spot.

That red piece near the right power head although now i think it will be in to much flow so am thinking on the sand in the middle.
Tbh it wld either put it on the sand, or on a safe ledge. But be careful if they fall they dont ever look the same!
Tbh it wld either put it on the sand, or on a safe ledge. But be careful if they fall they dont ever look the same!

What he said. Mine is nestled into my rockwork in a little hole almoast that holds it in place.
Here are a few pics what do you think of the brain corals location do you think i should move it on the substrate it is already on a frag. Also my Ricodea is it ok like that there is 5 polyps on this one rock if I moved it near to the rock would it move out on to that???

Brain coral under atcinics

Position should it be moved not to sure about the top left side touching the rock?

Ricodea mushrooms should I move or leave them as they are?
Tbh they look like hairy mushrooms. I prefer brains like that on the sand bed they look cooler but be careful some times they get sand on htem and they get stressed so you have to used something to blow it off.
Rhodactis indosinensis, just ive seen several of these in many shops. Have they moved at all? Cos if they have they probs are ricordia but i dont think they are tbh.
What do you mean by moved they have not moved from the rock. If I move the rock nearer the other rock will they start to grow on there I just can see how all 5 can grown on that small piece of rock
Ok so now that I know its a hairy mushroom should i move it at the moments its on the substrate on the right hand side but there are 5 mushrooms on a small piece of rock. Maybe if i moved them they would grow on the other rocks and open up more. Where would you suggest I put it you can see a full tank shot at the beginning of this post.
Some where where its low flow, mushrooms dont tolerate high flows keep it in the middle some where but low down on the rock formation.
Agreed, mushrooms should be in low flow near the bottom of the tank. The brain should be anywhere it is secure. That type of lobopyton is a little difficult to keep. They just don't tolerate stress well so try and situate it somewhere that it won't be moved and just leave it there.
Would you suggest leaving it where it is or moving it to the sand to give me the best chance?
Would you suggest leaving it where it is or moving it to the sand to give me the best chance?

I cant answer that for you... If it's very secure in its place then leave it. If you think its even slightly preariously placed... Put it in the sand.

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