Brain Coral Disintigratging


Professor Beaker
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
Buffalo, NY
Wow ok, need some help very quickly. My gorgeous purple favites brain coral is rapid tissue necrosing. It was stung by a mushroom that uprooted itself and landed on it. A couple days ago a few polyps were clearly dead but nothing looked really like it was spreading. Last night, I thought I might have seen a couple more polyps dead, but I wasn't sure. The dead polyps had developed a strange milky brown cover to them which I figured was it's equivalent of a scab. But now this morning, fully 1/3 if not 1/2 of the coral looks like its rotting away. They're covered in mucous which is milky white/brown. Under the mucous you can see some little white flakey things that appears to be being expelled by the coral. They're clearly not worms or nudis as they dont move. Underneath the mucous, it looks like the polyps are still there, but I dont know for how long.

What should I do? Are all the polyps in the mucous layer going to die? Should I frag it? And if so, what kind of tool should I use to cut such a big stony coral? I've never tried fragging anything before, but I'm experienced enough with tools. Superglue is my friend, but thats another story

I'd really like to save this guy, so let me know what you guys think. If you want some pics, I'll come home at lunch and take them after lights on. Thanks in advance
Fraggging an unhealthy coral is probably not the best option. It will just cause further stress.

Im not sure what to do. Id blow away the mucous layer and try and remove anything that might be left by the shroom which could be further irratating the brain. Then leave it be I guess. HTH, sorry.
Well, the infection spread through out the day and I decided to take drastic action to frag it since it didnt seem like it was going to stop. Took a dremmel and chiseled a groove in the tissue past the infected area. Then a thin wood chisel and hammered the groove apart. I finally scraped the half cut polyps out of the "good" healthy coral with an exacto knife. Then placed it back in the tank. Wish me luck folks, hope morning brings good news
Goodluck Ski. Fingers crossed for you that it does better than the Aussie Soccerroos! :lol:
Heh, or better than my americans ;)

Looks like it pulled throught the night. No advancing decay on the living tissue in the tank There are of course signs of stress on the edges where I fragged it, but no rapid discoloration or mucous. Looks like I dodged the bullet.
Wahoo, no further signs of damage or deterioration today... Looks like I win :D. Its too bad I lost fully 2/3-3/4 of the old specemin but I've got plenty of time to wait for new growth :D

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