Brackish Water


Oct 9, 2003
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High Wycombe, Bucks (England)
I have recently converted my frshwater setup to brackish and have added the recommended amount of salt. After a couple of days I was expecting the water to be as clear as it was when it was freshwater but it is still a bit cloudy. Is this due to the salt.

I have a Fluval 404 external filter which has always done an excellent job so I assume it is the salt??

Did you mix the salt and water in a bucket or just put the salt directly into the tank?
If you added the salt straight to the tank then it may take a while to fully dissolve and make the tank appear cloudy, my established brackish tanks are just as clear as FW tanks. When mixing water for brackish tanks always prepare it in a container several hours before you need it and aerate it with a airstone connected to a powerful air pump to make sure all the salt is fully dissolved into the water, undissolved salt can cause serious burns to fish.

How much salt did you add BTW? If you have raised the SG higher than 1.007 then you may have killed off all the FW bacteria in your filter. At a SG of 1.007 the SW bacteria take over from the FW so it is best to take the SG up to and above this level very slowly to allow for the transfer to take place without any problems.
I added the salt to the replacement water during a 30-35% water change and left it for about 1 hour. The tankha scleared a little since m first poost so I think I may have been a little premature with the question.

Thanks for the advice thoug!h! :blink:

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