i have a figure-8-puffer and its in a 30 gallon tank slightly brakish (my spelling sucks)with a couple more fish.
it would be better if this tank was a spiecies tank but he seems fine. rite now he is very small only about an inch. Dont keep it with other fish that are community unless they are bigger, i have lost 2 dwarf gourimis because of him and the other one i had. i origonally got 2 but one died, i think it was because the ph dropped in the tank they were origanally in. but do not over feed your puffer, i have heard that they do not get a sense of being full and will eat untill their stomach bursts. mine is in water that has a ph of about 7.2
you shouldnt make ph changes to soon and adjust them slowly to the water. they can also live in freshwater but they do better in brakish. do not let them bite you, it hurts cuz they have little beaks, i have let them when i first got them and it was just enough to pinch me a bit so i know it will hurt when they get bigger. you should feed them a variety of foods. flakes will be accepted, i feed mine flakes and krill. he loves krill! they should also be fed snails or something to grind their beak down so it doesnt over grow and then they cant eat. if the petstore you go to has alot of fish you should ask one of the experts their about them. but some places they dont know anything and just want to sell you stuff. well, if my puffer dies i will post something again to tell you the info i gave you is wrong. i have had my puffer for a couple weeks and i have done alot of research before i got him.to make the water a little salty i just put some aquarium salt in the water. if you are doing a water change just put some conditioner in it. my water is well water so i dont have to worry about that much stuff. DONT ADD SALT THAT YOU USE TO PUT ON FOOD! i think.