Brackish Tank Set Up


Retired Moderator ⚒️
Aug 12, 2003
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Warm and Sunny Arizona
Calling all BW keepers!!!

first: looking for some good, reliable websites where i can read up on bw tanks more

second: what process do you use when it comes to doing water changes using bw?? one site recommended setting up a smaller spare tank to keep a supply in, others said to just add to a bucket and let sit a while then add to tank........ feeling a bit corn-fused about it at the moment
thanks pointy, thats a start.

any others??

any one with personal experience with bw tanks?
You need a submergable thermometer for one thing.

All I did was set up the tank and slowly add salt over time. Pretty straight forward really. You buy sea salt for about 12 bucks for a 10 lb bag. With Brackish water the salinity should actually fluctuate. Fish can adapt to this pretty easily but some of their parasites cant. When doing water changes just take note of how much you take out and when you put in new water put in the same proportion of salt. Mix the salt with the water before adding it to the tank. I've got an additive that immediately neutralizes water so I put that in the bucket with the water and salt.

I'm just cycling my tank now so that's about all I know. Seems pretty simple though.

Oh yeah, I put in about a tablespoon of salt per gallon of water. Check with your LFS and try to keep the salinity about the same. That is, if you plan on buying your fish there.

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