Brackish Fish


Fish Crazy
Mar 5, 2003
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Welshman exiled to Scotland
Ive just set up my first brackish tank or should I say I'm setting it up. You see I bought fig 8 puffer a while back which were in fresh water :crazy: . Since learning they were brackish I have now decided to do the good thing and introduce them to brackish water.

So I have this 2 ft tank approx 50l (i think) that I am Preparing. It is cycling as normal at the momentand I have put in 3 Tbl spoon of that Aquarium salt (PH Buffer) What Else should I do? I think I need a different kind of salt don't I if so which one?

Once Ive got it set up I will be wanting some fish for it, I know monos and shark Cats are brackish but all my lfs's sell them as fresh. Is there a good place online where I can order them?

PLEASE HELP for the Puffer's sake :/ has a lot of fish to choose from. I'm pretty sure they'll have what you need. It's based in Florida, so you'd better check shipping to see if they can deliver to you.Link


better check fish compatibility before you add any more fish.
Unfortunately most brackish fish will get too big for a 2 foot tank,monos scats and shark cats will all get to over 10" also all 3 will need increasing ammounts of salt added as they grow before eventually going into full marine conditions.I would suggest just getting one more figure 8 puffer and some bumble bee gobies for a tank that size.
The basic rule of salting a brackish tank is 2-3 tablespoons of marine salt for every 10 litres of water,it must be marine salt.
Most brackish fish also preffer hard water so crushed coral mixed into the substrate will help to keep the pH and hardness up.
Dave I'm going to send you an e-mail with an article on brackish community setup. I hope this is of some interest/use to you.
One suggestion for BW tankmates that would work in a 2ft tank with your Fig 8 is Bumblebee Gobie. Cute little bottom dwellers that go well with puffers.
Thanx again everyone. If im just introducing my puffers to the salt water, how much marine salt should I introduce at a time?

Bumble bee gobie? Never seen them before I don't think. Does anyone know a uk site that is good for shipping these fish?

Oh one more, how big will my puffers get?
bumblebee gobies are so very cute - i saw a tank full of them once and they were all over the place. enough to make me want to set up a brackish tank (but first, i need to set up my normal tank)
To introduce them to the brackish water, put them in a container with their freshwater. Add a cup or so of brackish water and wait awhile, 30 min or so. Then add another cup of brackish and take out a cup or so of the water they are in. Repeat this for a few hours. This is how i convert brackish fish to fresh and back if needed. Haven't ever lost one doing it this way.

Can't figure 8s and bumble bee gobies live fine in freshwater?
Hi impur, I done something similar to what you described and well so far so good. The puffers are in and have been in there about 24hrs. Although I am only introducing small amounts of marine salt eveyday.

I wish they could stay in fresh water but from what ive heard they need to go to brackish as they get a little older. So my Fig 8s are looking a little sad and lonely :-( Theyve gone from swimming in a 4ft 300l tank to a 2ft 50-60l tank. So as much as I would want them to be fresh water, I think its a no no. Although my lfs says because they are reared in fresh water they can survive in FW. But they re reared in fresh water in the wild and then move down to the estuaries.

Anyway if everything goes well with my puffers in their new tank Ill be buying some more Brackish fish. :D

CFC will my puffers get much bigger than 2". I would have thought I could have more than 3 Puffers and 2 gobies. :X Just wandering not starting an argument!

Unless you want one :lol: :grr: :lol:
Wish you lived closer....I have 2 bumblebee gobys I need to get rid of...came with the tank, and I do angels!!

My friend has a tank with a puffer.....but it is the kind with spots and blue eyes....can't remember the name....will the gobys go with it ok?
Hi Dave

The Figure 8's only get to about 2.5 inches (maybe 4 in the wild) but it is more a matter of territory that restricts the number you can keep in a 2ft tank. I would recomend no more than 2, to keep the aggression level to a minimum, but you may get away with 3 depending on their individual personalities.
Here is a good link to Figure 8's info: Pufferfish.Uk
You could add a half dozen Bumblebee Gobies to the tank (as long as they all had plenty of caves) with no trouble BB Gobies has some good info.

Hi Mamapish

That sounds like a Green Spotted Puffer, the BBG's would go well as tankmates. Here is a fact sheet on the Green Spotted in case you are curious. GSP

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