Brackish Catfish


New Member
May 10, 2009
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Hey guys, I have a quick question. Well I have a Colombian Shark and a bunch of other tropical freshwater fish. They are all young so it is ok for them all to be together now, but as the Colombian Shark gets older he will need to have brackish water, so he will be separated from the rest and given his own tank. I would like to give him a buddy to swim with that is also a catfish but i do not want to purchase another Colombian Shark. Are there any other catfish that I could put in the tank with him that are brackish?
Colombian sharks should be kept in groups, so before you do anything else, buy a couple more. I think you'll be amazed at how much happier your catfish will become. Singletons are nervous and very clearly stressed.

It's cruel to keep them singly. Why would anyone keep these lovely catfish any other way than in groups?

There are several other catfish appropriate to brackish water conditions, but none of them widely sold. At a low to middling salinity something like Mystus gulio would be an option, and at a higher salinity Plotosus lineatus. Those are about the only two you're likely to be able to obtain. All these get to about the same size in captivity, around 15-20 cm, so you will need a big tank with extremely robust filtration. Do bear in mind Sciades seemanni is a migratory catfish that needs oceans of swimming space and a very strong water current.

Cheers, Neale

Hey guys, I have a quick question. Well I have a Colombian Shark and a bunch of other tropical freshwater fish. They are all young so it is ok for them all to be together now, but as the Colombian Shark gets older he will need to have brackish water, so he will be separated from the rest and given his own tank. I would like to give him a buddy to swim with that is also a catfish but i do not want to purchase another Colombian Shark. Are there any other catfish that I could put in the tank with him that are brackish?
Sorry to say guys, but Whiskers (my colombian shark) died on Sunday...I took him back to petsmart and got an exchange. I now have a happy Pictus. I will be getting more of them though because somehow I think my colombian shark died because he was depressed and lonely. He stopped eating and just kinda drifted around. I checked the water many times and everything was fine. I will miss him dearly but I have a new place in my heart for my new Pictus (Jasper) He is one crazy cat.

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