Bps And Blue Severum


New Member
Aug 11, 2006
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I am getting so tired of my bps acting so shy, that I have put some "Blue Severums" in the tank. The crazy thing is that the dithers are doing fine. Munch, the "aggressive one" has to go get Abe the "passive one''' out of the pot (cave) to get him to eat. Even the dithers scare Abe. Abe seems fine when I'm outta the room.
Do ya think the severums willl help or hurt". I know ... why ask after the fact... :/ But I'm gonna any :) way

Funny thing is My angel tank is right next to them. I have the angels begging for food. Feed both tank at the same time. In fact... :D pearlscale angel eggs, should have wigglers by tomorrow.
Blue severums? got any pics..

As for your shy parrots.. maybe moving things around in the tank? If the dithers didn't work, you've got a scaredy-parrot.. Try different tank arrangements... maybe it's not comfortable with the way the tank is set up? ??
Thanks Van, :D I'll try the rearranging today. Here's a pic of one of the blue severums. The flash washed out the blue, making it look more on the green side. :/ I'm sill working on the art of picture taking.


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