Boy Or Girl...again...matured A Bit And Acting Very Agressive


Fish Herder
Dec 27, 2007
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a few days ago I noticed my blue marble female being a total food hog and keeping others from eating, so I decided to just divide up the girls tank. As soon as I got home with my divider makings the blue marble had mauled my white sd girl peach, who is now on the verge of death because of it. After being divided for one day, the blue marble blows a modest bubblenest...what the heck. I couldnt get a good pic of its beard, its larger then my other girls but just a touch smaller then the boys. Also the spawn sister and the betta in question are fat...they get peas 3 times and week and poo as normal, they are just food piggys...the two white sd girls are much thinner. I have been told a few times that the blue marble is female, she is just huge, super agressive, acts male and has some very impressive fins, I also emailed a photo back to the breeder and he said that there was some pk in this hm line a bit ago, so my marble could very well just be a hmpk male.

the blue marble...


its spawn sister

Whip's fins growing back after his beating durning a spawn

Forest, the father of my latest spawn....very good looking betta...unsure what his fully developed tail type will be, he was mauled when my sister got him, grew a ton of finnage back, and has been spawned twice and lost no fins and they just keep getting fuller and longer.
i would seriously separate those first 2 fish and fast for about a week. they are huge!
the blue marble looks to be either a female RT or a male PKRT as it has the distinctive scalloped tail. but the big belly makes it difficult to tell which.
and forest looks like he might be developing into a FT, (he's stunning by the way)
everybody is already seperated. thats the thing.. for the past several days all they two blue's have been getting is peas...and they are still fat. I also started a round of marycin2 on the tank...just incase it was a internal thing. But I really think the obeseity is from hogging food from the smaller ones, I will keep starving them till they slim down though.
anybody else want to weigh in and guess if its a he or a she?
Ok I'll stick my neck out lol. The first looks very PK male to me going by shape, although the anal doesn't have that real point at the back which is when I get confused :crazy:
he he forest's first spawn are huge and getting big fins allready, was him and my hm female! they are gonna be 4 weeks on saterday! :good:
yes the lack of point to the anal fin is confusing, but it is mostly from hm stock with the pk a generation back, so all in all I am very confused.

I am going to starve the fat blue ones for a week and then take new pics....then perhaps it will be more obvious to what it is.
yep he is one of my favs, daddy to my 4 week<onsatrday> hm spawn and newfisheys,, what is it 1 week old spawn? his 4 week old fry are exceptionaly big for their age too, my last spawn, cts, didnt get so big so fast and the finage is allready bigger on the new ones, different type i guess?
it's showing both male and female traits so im gunna hold on giving my opinion on this one :look:
hmm, this fish seems to have everybody stumped. The last thing I was thinking I could do is set up a spawn tank, and atempt to spawn it with its sister. While of course keeping a very close eye on them. other than that I am at a loss, I also dident even really want to breed pks, even hmpk, because while yeah I can sell online there is no local market for them at all. If some horrible thing happend and I had to give every fish I owned away I dont even think I could get a lfs to take them.

hmm, this fish seems to have everybody stumped. The last thing I was thinking I could do is set up a spawn tank, and atempt to spawn it with its sister. While of course keeping a very close eye on them. other than that I am at a loss, I also dident even really want to breed pks, even hmpk, because while yeah I can sell online there is no local market for them at all. If some horrible thing happend and I had to give every fish I owned away I dont even think I could get a lfs to take them.

dont breed them just condition them and see what happens to it, youll soon know if its female.
what do I do when they both just get fat? if its female she should egg up and her white spot should become very visiable correct?, at least thats what all my other girls do.
We did this recently. Put the girl in the chimney and the male outside. A couple of days later she was releasing eggs all over the place lol......although that doesn't always happen.
you will know the difference as you know the signs, put it next to an obvious male to condition it

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