Boy George No Longer Has Boybits


Fish Herder
Apr 20, 2007
Reaction score
weston, UK
bad weekend for the chameleon at work that i was considering getting ! he no longer has boysbit after they were aputated because they split cant remeber the term for it! so in effect he had a chameleon sex change .... not only can it change its colour it can now change its sex! worried about it but it seems to have pulled through after the aputation and hopefully il ponder getting it some more, perhaps at a reduction!

on another note, whats a good starter lizard .... ive been looking at

albino lepord gecko

water dragon

green anole

any of these good choices?
feel sorry for the poor cham!

i think they are all pretty good but the water dragon as gorgeous as they are can be a bit more work and they need big vivs when fully grown, the downside is i dont think anoles or geckos are that handleable, personally i would get a water dragon, i have looked into getting a lizard myself and have 99% decided on a beardie but the water dragon is tempting!

im sure someone will be able to give you more info

look forward to pics of what you decide

Yeah, waterdragons aren't really they greatest for beginners... they need large enclosures, high humidity and parasite checks short after purchase as a great percentage are wild caught.

Here is my adult female


My other female

And there 6x4x3 enclosure
I take it by amputated he has been castrated :unsure: Not sure what you meen by split but he is still a male Chameleon they definatly dont change sex :crazy:
I would defo go with the green anole. I dont know about everyone else but green anoles are pretty, smart, inqizitive, and they can be handled. In most cases anoles will only stay on you if your body temp is warmer than the air. They can be tamed. Not to long ago i could take a brown, put it on my hand and walk around the house showing it to my mom. It would stay on my hand like a rat on your shoulder. But if you arent going to handle them often, dont handle them at all. It stresses them out if you dont do it often enough for them to get used to it, and stress can kill anoles. Anoles can be kept in a 10 gallon.

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