Boy Fish Together


New Member
Sep 9, 2009
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North Wales

Want to seperate my male dalmation molly from the two girls he is in with.

I have two tanks and once my fry are big enough I'd like to put the two girls in with them.

This would leave the boy on his own and I have been told that if I put other boy mollies in with him, they will fight. How about if I put in some girls of a different species? would this work? any ideas?

thanks in anticipation!
I'm not to sure about mollies but Guppies can live with males. They are both live bearers so i would say yes, its fine.

But wait for other comments. :)

Also, about putting other female species with the males, just make sure there not livebearers because they will crossbreed.

EDIT: spelling mistake :S
apparently you should be ok leaving the female mollies with fry, its guppies who like to snack not mollies

with regards to the boys, yes mine used to fight loads, except boy guppies, they all seem to be ok together.

the only thing is, the mollies like to stick to their own, and if he's the only one he may not be happy.

why dont you want the boy with girls?
apparently you should be ok leaving the female mollies with fry, its guppies who like to snack not mollies

with regards to the boys, yes mine used to fight loads, except boy guppies, they all seem to be ok together.

the only thing is, the mollies like to stick to their own, and if he's the only one he may not be happy.

why dont you want the boy with girls?

Because I am going to end up with millions of fish!!! I nievely bought our first ever fish, two girls and a boy, and less than 48hrs later we had babies, and she is about due to pop again! and the other female is pregnant too. Can't leave it to natural selection, I am too soft hearted. Many thanks for your advice :good:
you may have to be cruel to be kind, you may have to leave him with the girls, and let nature take its course.

saying that, they lone boy MAY be happy alone, just keep an eye on him

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