boy am I annoyed


Jul 22, 2004
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I just bought a new Eclipse 6 & stand last night to use as a hospital/quarantine tank. It took me most of the morning to set it up and when it was all ready to go I turned on the light and voila!..... WHAT???

My beautiful, new tank is scratched all over the inside of the tank!!! :crazy:
Some duffus must have tried to wipe the acrylic with a pad when it was dry or something, then taken it back to the store when they discovered that they had ruined it. ACK. The store will replace the tank of course but damn it, what a pain in the butt! Now I have to break it down again, schlep the base over to the store, and set it all back up again. &%*$#@!!!
Sorry to hear what happned but when water is in the tank you cannot see the scraches.

yeah, can!! I happened to be sitting on the floor looking up at the tank when I turned on the light and so I was looking at it from an angle and the light reflected off of the abrasion marks.

I took the tank back to the store and whaddaya know, the first tank that the guy pulled off of the shelf had exactly the same kind of abrasions on the inside. And these are brandy-new tanks. :grr:
However, the second one he tried was ok, so we're all set-up again and Sparky is enjoying his new home. :rolleyes:
sorry mine is scrached but i cannot see them the tank must have deeper scraches.

James :rolleyes:
guppygirl said:
You can buy an acrylic scratch remover... I think they're pretty cheap and acrylic is very easy to take scratches out of compared to glass.
Who wants to go through that with a brand new tank? :blink:

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