Boxing Shrimp With Cleaner Shrimp?


New Member
Jan 8, 2008
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i have a boxing shrimp in my tank, stays mostly out of sight around back of tank

would like to add 2 cleaner shrimp :unsure:

can they co-exist? or will the boxing shrimp attack them?

its a 240 litre tank, with a boxfish, scooter blenny and bicolor blenny and various snails and hermits
ive read that they dont get along if your wanting to get a cleaner shrimp for its looks then you probably out of luck as most of then run off into the rock work if you have rocks and you only see them come out every so often mine waits until i feed my fish unless hes hungry and then hell try and look on my fish but theyre all chickens and swim away. :shout: :good:
Not true cleaners are always out front in every tank i have ever seen,espec. if i put my hand near the tank it trys to frantically get to my hand!

What you said is true for Fire Shrimps and Peppermint shrimps which are of the same genus tho.
yeah mine is only active in the evenings and feeding time. Other than that he hangs upside down in a few caves
My lil dude must be a exhibitionist :p hes also the biggest Cleaner i have ever seen,just under 4",i bought him cos he was huge and full of character.



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