Bow Front Tank ?


Fish Herder
Oct 30, 2007
Reaction score
Florida, USA
I found a 46 gallon bow front tank with stand, hood, filter. 4 years old. $200 or best offer. I was looking for a 55 gallon but this is close. I was going to build my own stand but this one looks sturdy, it was deisgned for the tank.

Anyone have one of these and how do you like it ? Any downfalls over a regular rectangular one ? Thanks
i have a bow front in my living room,downfalls i cant see any at all,looks a nice piece of furniture,easy to clean and maintain,had it nearly 3 years and no problems at all
I have a bowfronted tank also (juwel vision 260) and i love it. think it looks better than a normal rectangle tank. My last tanks had just one pain of glass with the corners just bent if you get me.

My wife wouldn't allow me to get a rectangle tank. she hates them. If you want pics let me know and i will show you mine

Well I offered $125 and they accepted :good:

I asked them to leave 10% water in it, the gravel, and filter. How long before the beneficial bacteria dies ? Would 24 hours be too long ?
Toss the filter media in a bag with some tank water, and some frozen food such as bloodworms. The deteriorating food will produce ammonia, feeding the nitrifying bacteria. Thisis what I do when I ship media, in transit 2 or 3 days.

I have a 72 gallon bow, freebie. Do not move the tank with any contents, such as gravel water, or anything else. You risk structural damage, such as this;


This is a basement tank, I did reinforce the top brace, but if a seam or side goes it is several feet from a floor drain.

Other than that, the tank is a nice show tank, the matching stand fits well, plenty of storage beneath;

Here is a pic of the tank


Can anyone tell what brand/model this is ?

My husband is fearful of the stand. He is a carpenter and would rather build us a nice sturdy stand for it. We could have it made in a few days.

I will do the media in the bag with water trick. I have some frozen brine shrimp to put in there. Will that be enough though ? If I add treated water and new gravel....will the filter be enough alone to cycle the tank ? I will be transferring 2 gouramis and a pictus catfish and they are sensitive.

What if I were to temporarily put 2 filters on the tank.....the one from my 10 gallon and the one that comes with it. Also some plants from my existing tank. Would that be better ?

Hate to be a pain....this is my first time doing this :crazy:
If you put both the filters in (one that is cycled and one that isn't) you should have no bother cycling it quickly. I would still give it a couple of days before you put any fish in but its quicker than the other ways.

Hope that helps

If you put both the filters in (one that is cycled and one that isn't) you should have no bother cycling it quickly. I would still give it a couple of days before you put any fish in but its quicker than the other ways.

Hope that helps


Not such a good idea, waiting a few days without a food source and all that bacteria will be dead. If your going to add the mature media then ensure to add fish at the same time/as soon as possible after.

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