Bought Some Bumblebee Gobies


stuck between a rock and a fish tank
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 4, 2004
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I;ve had a 65litre tank set up for a couple of weeks or so and I added the first fish today

9 bumblebee gobies

always wanted to keep these so was made up to see my LFS had them in

I bought all nine hoping that they'd be better in a group. I hadn;t read up about them before I bought them oops!!!

anyways any advice about these cute little fish would be great. can they be bred in home aquaria
Yes, they can be bred, but it's kind of a hassle. As with most gobies, they spawn easily enough, and the fathers look after the eggs (laid inside a shell, for example) but the fry are very small and need tiny live foods, smaller than brine shrimp nauplii.

You'll be okay with a group provided there are lots of hiding places, especially caves. A stack of snail shells, like you'd do for Tanganyikan shell dwellers, would be ideal.

Cheers, Neale
cheers Neale was kinda hoping you;d be about :rolleyes:

I have a big piece of ocean rock in there thats full of holes and crwevices and also I have put a couple of terracotta plant pots in there

the tanks only a 65litre would you recomend adding either a pair of knight gobies or a brackish puffer in there?
I have a big piece of ocean rock in there thats full of holes and crwevices and also I have put a couple of terracotta plant pots in there
Remember each cave needs to be self-contained and not a tunnel; if the gobies see one another, they'll fight!

the tanks only a 65litre would you recomend adding either a pair of knight gobies or a brackish puffer in there?
Knight gobies view BBGs as live food. As for puffers, I'd let the tank settle down first, see how things go. Since you don't need brackish water conditions for these fish, you may elect to add something that comes across your way down the line. Wrestling halfbeaks would be a great choice, but so might flounders, if there was enough open space at the bottom. Either of these would feed too slowly to compete with the BBGs, whilst being interesting fish difficult to mix with your standard community stuff.

Cheers, Neale
just fed the bbg's and they gulped some brine shrimp down which I;m glad about as a searc on here has shown some people have had feeding probs

pity about the knights as I;m a big fan of those

I had a couple of flounders a year or so ago and they were a nightmare to feed

all my lfs has is scats and monos which are too big for mine
I had a couple of flounders a year or so ago and they were a nightmare to feed

They're nocturnal for one thing, and secondly they only eat live, fresh and wet-frozen foods. In most tanks they starve to death, but in the right aquarium with the right salinity, they're actually quite easy to keep.

Cheers, Neale
I have one bbg, just brought it to see how it would do in my tank which has a large silver shark, mollies, swordtails, angels, bristlenose catfish, corys and a panchax. It has been in there for about 1 year it's doing fine has it's own little hiding area ventures out when it sees food drops and quickly goes back to it's area does it's own thing. I read people couldn't keep them this one is full of colour and looking very happy, so glad I had success with it.
this 9 look fine so far, now they;ve settled in its fun to watch their behaviour they dart arounbd all of a sudden out of holes in the rock which is quite amusing and despite their small size theylove their food!!!
How are the BB gobies doing? Just bought a few myself & they are loving the frozen bloodworms.
they;re doing fine, they hide most of the time in all the hidey holes but every time I put some food in they;re straight out
i must find some of these!
I think they look really nice!
I will be on the look out next time im up my LFS

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