Bought plants found surprise !!!

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Wiggler 1

New Member
Jun 17, 2005
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Keswick,Ontario Canada
I hope my question is not in the wrong spot...I bought some more plants for my tank
and it seems that I got a 1/2inch long bluish coloured crawfish with them, I just noticed
4 days after buying the plants....question is should I get rid of this rare find or keep it.
If someone might be able to let me know what it is or what it eats could be helpful too,
I would beleive if it eats fish...they would have to be deceased he seems so small...
looks like a crawfish 1/2 inch long blueish grey colour looks like 8 or 6 legs small claws and feelers on head (cant get picture as he hides in caves with blackknife ghost fish)
Wow! What a find!
Are you meaning a crayfish?
I'm afriad I've never heard of a crawfish....
A crawfish is just another name for crayfish. Your new crayfish may try eating small fish but will very unlikely catch any of them unless their slow.

I'd keep him why not? I had recently purchased a plant also and to my suprise there was a small albino cory in the bag too. I was afriad the cory would be killed in my tank but is doing rather well and everyone has left him be.
Thanks for the replies...this little critter is only 1/2inch long but is bright blue and does look like a lobster type, the first picture looks alot like him but like I said he is small...
thank you for those links...if I can I will get a picture of him but is pretty hard as he is staying in the caves at the moment.just might leave tripod and camera set up if wifie lets what I read on that site my fish should be safe. So I will let him be and see what develops...thanks again for your replies :cool:
As he grows, he will molt his shell. Leave it in the tank, as he will eat it and regain important nutirent (calcium I believe) that he lost in the molt. As He gets bigger, he will eat any fish that he can catch. Just be careful.....many are kept by themselves.
Wow that's a neat surprise!

A friend of my boyfriends keeps those blue crayfish. He said he feeds his sinking shrimp pellets typically and has good luck with that (his even had babies ... kind of neat to see!)

As pnyklr3 said, as he gets bigger he may start trying to help himself to a buffet of fishies though. ;) You may want to think about getting him his own tank eventually and perhaps only keeping fish in it that you wouldn't be heartbroken to lose (just in case) -- like feeders maybe.

Oh, you might want to read the inverts section on the forum too, if you haven't visited that area -- they may be able to give you some additional information if you need it. :) Good luck with him!
Check out this website for info on how to care for your crawfish:

also check out this post on the dangers of adult crawfish in a tropical tank

that said... I just got 2 baby blues on for $10 they're both less than an inch long and soooo cute. They're very active and scurry all over my tank and also like to hide in the tank decorations. So far they seem to get along with everyone, but i've seen them try to reach out and grab my silver mollys. Also, i had a sick baby angelfish that seems to have disappeared without a trace :unsure: good luck, and keep us posted.

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