bought a new ram


Fish Crazy
Sep 30, 2004
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well i had my one ram my little buddy (fresh prince) for a week now and i decided to buy a second one well this ram is really hated, im thinking it might be a territory problem he is having but if the new one comes near him all u see is 2 rams going in cirlces real fast - i need to try to tell sex diff on them 2 i believe my first one is still to small to tell - i also bought a 2nd julii cory who just follows my othe rone around

basicaly my ram thinks he is the boss of the tank :lol:
The best way to sex a ram is to look at the length of the pelvic fin. If it streaches past the beginning of the anal fin it is male. The pelvic fin on a female streches back to the beginning of the anal fin but no further. The males are sometimes more colourful, but not always and the dorsal fin is more pointed, but with my four the dorsal fins look almost exactly the same.

Also get a couple more julli, they like company.

Jon :)
yeah i liek the julii corys - they wont leave each other alone im planning on getting 2 more soon - yet the main ram my first oen still wont let anyone else eat lol - if there are 2 pellets or tablets int he tank the ram will try to gain control over both no matter what - i do see the corys being able to eat witht he ram though
29gallon - no the second i bought died everyone kept messing with her and i didnt have another tank to put her in its just soemthing with this one ram i have it has major issues real greedy - but from the time i got the other from the LFS it didnt look to right always kept to itself in the corner when all the other fish swim around normal - the cory i bought is having a good time with my older one - i just dont know what to get with the ram having these issues where it thinks it runs the tank i really want kribs but this tank will be dedicated to a pair of rams or kribs so i most likley will make sure that this one is a male/female so i can buy the opposite next thatmight of been the problem they where the both sex
jflowers said:
The best way to sex a ram is to look at the length of the pelvic fin. If it streaches past the beginning of the anal fin it is male. The pelvic fin on a female streches back to the beginning of the anal fin but no further. The males are sometimes more colourful, but not always and the dorsal fin is more pointed, but with my four the dorsal fins look almost exactly the same.

Also get a couple more julli, they like company.

Jon :)

male u say?
jflowers said:
The best way to sex a ram is to look at the length of the pelvic fin. If it streaches past the beginning of the anal fin it is male. The pelvic fin on a female streches back to the beginning of the anal fin but no further. The males are sometimes more colourful, but not always and the dorsal fin is more pointed, but with my four the dorsal fins look almost exactly the same.

Also get a couple more julli, they like company.

Jon :)
Is this accurate? Wow, now I can finally figure out fore sure what sex mine are! I have 2 each, but they all don't seem to get along:crazy:
i think thats the problem i had i bought a male and this one seems to be a male - yet the new one didnt make it :/
Hi Kittycat

Only way i could tell my Rams appart Kittycat, and that was after many hours research on the internet and talking to my lfs. All the research i found backed up my lfs and I have an Icthyology book from the 50's (funny book, very UNPolitically correct) that backed up all my research. Far as i can tell, females are usually less colourful but not always, usually have less pointed dorsal fins, but not always. The only common denominator i could find is what i stated b4.


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