Bought A Bichir


Fish Addict
Dec 11, 2007
Reaction score
Mid-east Missouri
Whilst I was out and about this weekend, I stopped by a wal-mart. As it happened to be, this wal-mart was one of the few with fish for sale. And I have to give it to this place, the tanks were very well maintained, extremely clean, the fish were in perfect health.

Anywho, I saw they had 'Dinosaur Eels' for sale, immediately my mind clicks and I start checking the tanks for senegal bichirs. So here I am, expecting to walk out of there with a 4-6 inch senegal for my tank. After a few minutes of searching I hadn't found any, and was just about to leave when by sheer luck I decided to bend over and look into a tank...To my surprise I see 6 1-2 inch bichirs scurrying about on the bottom of the tank.

So naturally... I'm now the owner of a bichir that is smaller than the guppy I have in the tank. I was going to get pictures...but every time I have my camera out he's nowhere to be the moment though..I think he hides in my floating plant, so I'll give that a look later.

So...Hopefully later tonight I'll be able to get pictures so I can get a positive ID.
You finally found a bichir eh? In wal mart of all places too. Chances are its a senny if it was at wally world. If I were you I would try to put in a 10g with no other fish to serve as a qt and to make feeding easier.

Upper or lower jaw species? Any markings?

It's most likely a senegal, which are great bichirs, as they are extremely active. :D
I was thinking about putting him into my 10 gal for a while until he's a bit bigger, but seeming as my heater/filter for the tank both crapped out on me, that will have to wait until I can buy new ones.



These were the best I could get of the little bugger.
baby Polypterus Senegalus. Just make sure he gets plenty of meaty foods. sand eel, krill, prawn, etc...flake will not do
I've been trying to get him to accept frozen blood worms and live earthworms {chopped up}. Though I plan on going to the store later this week, I can see what other frozen foods they have.
Mysis shrimp also often works well to fatten up new bichirs. I would recommend that, bloodworms, earthworms, chopped prawn, krill, and squid and maybe some tubifex at his current size.


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