
stella the fella

New Member
Jan 2, 2008
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barrow in furness
i have recently cycled a 40 gallon tank which at the moment contains guppie fry. when these are big enough they are going to my lfs. i am going to restock the tank but know very little about bottom feeders. can anyone help with a bit of info or advices.cheers all
You don't reall need bottom feeders, but they can make a nice addition to your tank. Corydoras catfish might be a good chioce. they are peacfull so they do well with many other types of fish. they do best in groups of six plus, but four is o.k. they should also be kept in groups of thier own spieceis. There are many different spieceis of cories. They eat peaces of left over fish food, algie pellets, mine also like sinking frog food. They are not considered algie eaters. They are fun to watch, they love to play. Mine like to swim back and fourth through the current my filter makes. I hope this helps.
Croy Catfish are good schooling fish. Because your tank is 40 gallons you would be able to have a large school which will give you a lot of movement in your tank. :shifty:
:good: thanks all thats given me something to think about. thanks for the link chrispixx. i really do think those yo yo are a really nice looking fish. i think i just might go that way. are they a sociable fish?
Very sociable...i have two and they are quite the characters,very comical and fun to watch. Mine are a year or so old and are out all the time even with the lights on. My tanks are on timers so they are used to the day night cycle.
They keep the gravel really clean, after feeding they search everywhere until every last morsel is gone.

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