Bottom feeders


New Member
Feb 27, 2024
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What bottom feeders can I have ? I’d like a pleco but I believe these all get to big for my tank ? Any ideas ?
I have a 70l juwel primo.
You could have 1 bristlenose pleco, but some of the options will depend on other tank mates and water parameters. You could also consider corydoras catfish or khuli loach.
Never had bottom feeders except shrimp. Pygmy cories look good and do well in a large group. But it's best to go with a species that fits in with water parameters/tank mates as @AJ356 said. A good colony of Neocaridina would look good in your tank I think.
What are the tank dimensions (length x width x height)?

What is the GH (general hardness), KH (carbonate hardness) and pH of your water supply?
This information can usually be obtained from your water supply company's website (Water Analysis Report) or by telephoning them. If they can't help you, take a glass full of tap water to the local pet shop and get them to test it for you. Write the results down (in numbers) when they do the tests. And ask them what the results are in (eg: ppm, dGH, or something else).
What bottom feeders can I have ? I’d like a pleco but I believe these all get to big for my tank ? Any ideas ?
I have a 70l juwel primo.

There's plenty of plecos that stay on the smaller side and fit many different water parameters. If you're looking for a cleanup crew I'd look elsewhere. Also most of the more desirable smaller plecos also don't like to be out and about during daylight hours so you won't see them often. Not to deter you just giving you facts. I love plecos but I also accept them for what they are and know when I get a chance to see them it's a special occasion. They say a happy zebra is a hiding zebra but I think that applies to most pleco species I've had myself personally, not all but most.

What's your water temp for your other fish? What is your PH, how often are you changing water, do you want a pleco that's gonna suck glass all day and night or are you good with a smaller pleco that isn't gonna help with tank maintenance? I can offer some suggestions if you have answers for these questions.
70 litre Juwel Primo, in cm (that's 2 foot x 1 foot x 1.5 foot to the top of the lid)
Given your nice plants I'd pass on a pleco :)

If you want some scavengers and tidiers go for a group of Amano Shrimp :)

Why's that I'm curious?
Check out leashes photo thread the tank has a lot of plants including a lot of foreground species. I think most plecos might thrash about too much and either damage or uproot them.

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