Bottom Dwellers and a Red-Tail


Fish Addict
Apr 16, 2004
Reaction score
Perth, Western Australia
I haven't been on Fish Forums for quite a while and I guess if I could should really change my username. I have moved on from guppies to other types of fish which I have taken a liking to. I exchanged my 10 gallon and although I still had to pay more bought a 30 gallon.

Its been up an running for 6 months and the plants I have added a thriving... too well. I have only a few fish inside 8 neon tetra, 1 crowntail and a red-tailed black shark. These fish have been living peacefully with each other for two months now and I wish to add more. I will be buying a few more neons to largen the group but I also with to buy some bottom dwellers. Because pf my red-tail and his territory in the large bog wood I have in the middle of the tank I am a bit frightened at he might attack any cories or algae eaters.

I am planning to add Corydoras adolfoi and the Farlowella acus (Whiptail Catfish) as my bottom dwellers.

If any on has any problems with me adding these fish into my aquarium or knows something will happen please reply quickly for I am going to work next Monday at my lfs and will buy them.

Thank you
I beleive single Red-Tailed sharks are fine in the community unless another fish looks very similar. A friend of mine has plenty of bottom-dwellers with his and it is very peaceful in his 30G.
Yeah, i have a RTBS with a Golden Nugget Plec and 3 Port Hoplo catfish and they are not at all interested in each other. Anything remotely shark shaped will get chased and some smaller fish. Basically RTBS are big cowards, if its smaller than them they may chase it but faced with similar sized fish, they won't bother. :lol:
i have never had sharks but i have got 3 albino cories at the moment and they are doing fine ive had them for 2 months now and they never bother any of my other fish.
Just don't overstock too much, RTB Sharks need plenty of space otherwise they get aggressive.

I have one in a 50G and he seems fine as there are no fish too big or too similar too him. I put him in my 60G and he went mental and very boisterous! So i put him back in the 50G and he has calmed down again..

Thank you for the reply everyone. I will just be buying 7 more neons (bringing the total to 15) and around 5 Corydoras adolfoi and 2 Farlowella acus.

Thank you again.

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