Botia Kubotai - Reference Needed


New Member
Oct 12, 2005
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Wellington, New Zealand
Hello from New Zealand!

I need your help.. The list of allowed importable fish species is currently being reviewed here in NZ and as part of that, all species of fish in the country have to be photographed and referenced if we want to be able to import more in the future.

What I need for this particular loach is a book that references it. All I'd need is the book name, page number it is mentioned on and the books ISBN number.

If any of you have recent fishy books please please have a look through and see if its mentioned. This is a cool fish and i'd hate to be unable to get more in the future.

For those that don't know this fish, it is otherwise known as "Angelicus loach" or "polka dot loach". I've attached a photo of mine below.

Your help is greatly appreciated.


ive got 2 polka dot loaches altho mine dont look like that
they are great fast lil critters though theyre quite peacful an i find them facsinating
I can't help with the book reference but maybe this will help.
FishBase was developed at the WorldFish Center in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and many other partners, and with support from the European Commission (EC). Since 2001 FishBase is supported by a consortium of seven research institutions.

Good enough for the UN, good enough for the NZ governament?

this is their entry about the polkadot loach
they are great fast lil critters though theyre quite peacful an i find them facsinating

I'm unsure they are always peaceful.

They seem to dislike slow fish with larger fins: they went after gouramis trying to attach themselves to the gourami's fins and "catch a ride"

On the other hand, no aggression noticed toward Plec, Rasboras, Clown Loaches and Khulis (or each other).

I also have a few very similar loaches -- same body shape, but stripes instead of dots (possibly: Botia Lecontei, as shown here:, these are slightly more active, and *it seems* more aggressive: these try the same kind of attack (attach to fins) on Giant Danios and play fairly rough with each other.

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