Bosemani Rainbowfish Companion Advice


Fish Fanatic
Jul 31, 2006
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Im getting 6 Bosemanis and am wondering what they are compatible with and anyone got any good advice for stocking. Any ideas much appreciated.

Do they eat any small fish such as tetras? Would corys go well with them?

Ive got a 250 litre with external filtration. I want to do a sand substrate with wood and some plants.
They will be fine with pretty much most other non aggressive fish. Never known them to eat any smaller fish, although fry of other fish would be fair game.

They are fine with corydoras, and in some cases, depending on the fish, compatible with larger cichlids as they act like dithers for them.

My boes and various other rainbows are with severum and no problem with them at all. The larger the group the more comfortable they feel, but 6 is the minimum, you can also mix them with other species of rainbowfish, although there is a chance they would interbreed so you couldnt sell the fry on, in my case I have no worries on that score, as my severum eats all the eggs before they reach the bottom of the tank :D
Hi, just to give some insight.. I have some rainbows, and they are housed with silver dollars, yellow labs, pangassius cat, pair of kribs, assorted gourami, clown loaches, 7 inch bgkf, and 3 parrots, with the biggest being approx 8-9 inches. Dean =]

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