Bosemani Rainbow


New Member
Nov 15, 2004
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Rhode Island, US
My 65 gallon tank has 11 Zebra Danios and 3 Khuli Loaches. There are also some live plants. Now that the tank is cycled I'm ready to add Bosemani Rainbow. It seems as if more than 4 or 5 would make the tank look to busy. How many would be good, and what's a good Male to Female mix for this species?
I don't think that page addresses the question of what's a good mix of males & females. It had the same basic info that a half dozen other Rainbow fish pages has and does a fine job at that however.

Here's the answer I found to my question:

I went to a LPS that has a nice fish department and decided the Turquoise Rainbow looks nicer than the Bosemain. The store employee advised 2 males and 1 female if getting 3, since the males will compete for attention and show lots of color that way. He said that mix would work for either the Bosemani or the Turquoise.
Hi there, does LPS stand for PET SMART? I'm from the UK so don't have personal experience with them, but all I hear on the forum is bad thing about them

Anyway, I have 8 dwarf neon rainbows and bought them from a shop I trust very much. The guy I deal with is in the process of writing a thesis on fish and he really knows what he's talking about. Anyway, when I got mine I asked the same male/female question, and he told me that you should get more females than males as if they decide to breed it will reduce the stress on the females, more to share the burden.

Pet Smart were correct in saying that the males will vye for attention, but I think you should have more females really. I have a ratio of 5 to 3 in favour of females.
Hi Street..this won't answer all of your question, but, I have 2 Bosemanis, I believe both males. They are great swimmers. When I first got them, they would swim in the current of the outside powerfilter. Now, they are midtank inhabitants and are fast. They bolt to the surface to feed and end up splashing me all the time. They dart at each other from time to time, but, essentially leave everyone alone. I really enjoy them. SH
I would not have less than 4 Boesmani, they are shoaling fish and really should be in 5-6 upwards, but size may limit you a bit.

I had 8 in a 65(US) and it didnt look too busy, esp if planted.
Ok I'm a big rainbow enthusiast (just look at my tank info in my profile) and my suggestion would be a small group of rainbows but in my experience a pair is fine. Oh and sexing for some species (bosemani) is difficult when young but the main things to look for in sexing is colour (males are brighter or patterns are more defined), and fins - take a look at the anal and dorsal fins, the males are pointed at the ends the females are rounded (this is in a few of the species not all).

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