Bosemani Rainbow Fish.


New Member
Sep 15, 2006
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Quite interested in these!

How hard are they to look after? Does anyone know of somewhere where Ii can find a full profile on them? Are they good community fish and if so, what are the best fish to keep them with?

What Tank size do they need and how many fish do I need to have?

Thanks :) xx
I have a pair of these guys and they do well enough, but really these fish are happiest, and will make YOU happiest, in a group of at least 5-6. Males will spend as much time displaying for one another as they will for females, and are generally at their very best in the morning. They have a white stripe down their noses that flashes blue to white very quickly, it's pretty impressive.

Mine like some planting, but definately need swimming room as they're quite active, though i recently put some fake floating plants in the tank (as my real floating plants died and did horrible things to my water while i was away :crazy: ) and they are having a blast darting through them. I think the TFF profile says that a 30 is the minimum, but if you go that route, try to get a 30 long rather than high. Mine are in a 29 long and although as a pair they seem okay, i think a proper shoal would look crowded. I can't wait to get my 55 set up so I can keep a nice school :wub:

They're quick feeders, but very rarely seem to pick at anything on the ground. When they do, it seems to be more that they just happened to notice it than were actually hunting for it.

I've been told they're slow growers, but not sure on the truth in that.

Make sure you have a lid, they can jump! I had my water level down maybe three inches and while displaying for the female, my male jumped and hit the glass lid so hard he moved it.
I've not kept bosemanis, but have some other rainbowfish (turquoise rainbows). They're all pretty similar in temperament/care.

They're pretty good community fish. They don't bother others at all in my tank (platies, ottos, bristlenose, bunch of botine loaches). I would not keep them with shy fish though, you'll have a very hard time feeding the shier fish species. This is their only real drawback. Rainbowfish are very active feeders, darting around to grab whatever food they find. I had one jump out of the tank onto the tank-crossbrace at feeding time once. They'll even grab full catfish pellets and hold them in their mouths until they soften to the point the rainbow can eat them.

Best environment for them is moderately planted with open swimming area. Darker gravel/sand and good diet will also help bring out their colors as they age (juveniles are duller). Also, go with a mixed M/F group.

I've found them to be hardy, although the LFS reports they tend to get fin rot easily after transport and treat them all for that. I personally haven't had any trouble, but I don't know whether the preventative treatment helped, good luck or something else.
just figured I'd bump this thread rather than start a new one.

I'm just about finished stocking my tank, but I'm looking for 1 more larger species that inhabits the mid to upper levels. The Bosmemani and Turquoise rainbows have really caught my eye, but I don't think I can add them. My tank is a 4ft 75 gallon. Decor is rock formations, some mopani wood and mostly fake plants. I actually just added my first real plants this afternoon. (java fern, java moss and 2 cryptocoryne lutea)Stocking is as follows

Red tail black shark(1)
Clown loaches (4)
peppered cories(5)
Cardinal tetras (just added today)(10)
Zebra Danios(10)
German blue rams(2)
rummy nose tetras. (7)

going by the 1 inch per gallon rule (counting the loaches and shark at 6 inches a piece) I'm pretty close to fully stocked. Would a group of 3 or 4 rainbow fish be ok for this tank? Currently, everyone is living in peace and I haven't any amonia, or nitrite since i finished cycling. Nitrates have held steady at around 20. Ph around 7.2. Tank has been running for 4 months now.

Thanks alot for any advice.

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