Borneo sucker question


New Member
Mar 12, 2010
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Hi. Just joined your forum and making my first post.

I am in Brisbane Australia and have 8 Gastromyzon in a mixed tank with a couple of Royal Whiptails, 10 Otocinclus, 4 Pakistani Loaches, 4 Clown Loaches and a whole bunch of Guppies out of Thailand and Malaysia.

As for the species of Gastromyzon, it is a little difficult from the photos, but I am guessing ctenocephalus or stellatus.

Last night I was taking a quick look at the tank before heading out and at first glance thought I had one very sick Borneo. It was bright salmon pink all over, instead of its normal dark murky brown. It was on a branch of the same dark murky brown colour which normally camoflagues them perfectly.

It was then that I noticed a fleck of bright irradescent blue. There were 2 Borneos in the throws of mating. From their actions, I believe the female was the one that was showing bright pink with the male maintaining its normal colouring excepting the tail fin glowing bright blue.

They were all over each other for about an hour - never breaking contact. Just wish the battery for the video camera was charged.

I have searched the net, but found no help in breeding these great little fish.

Can anyone tell me whether they are egg layers or live breeders and whether I need to do anything particular to protect the eggs or young. I have pulled the 2 crays out just in case they are egg layers.

I have contacted my supplier and he says he has seen his own Borneos with the blue tail immediately following a water change, but never seen one turn pink.

I have a small 3-4 mm pebble substrate, with a large number of plants, rocks and caves suitable for fry or eggs, but at the moment I am only guessing what to do next.

Any help would be appreciated.

Kindest regards.

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