Borneo Sucker Loach


Mar 10, 2010
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Hi there,
Not sure if this is the right place for this thread so feel free to move if not.
I was just wondering about Borneo Sucker Loaches or Hillstream Loaches in freshwater tanks. I have seen them on sale in 2 of my LFS's but in my other they said they do not do well in temp's above 24 degrees, and as mine is 26 I didn't go for it. I would love to get one as they stay small and are algae eaters which is what I want, but without getting a plec.
Anyone had any experience with these guys? Thanks,
Amy xx
Yes, they really do best in cool temperatures (18-22/24 C, depending on species) and very fast flowing waters. If you're interested in them, I recommend you do some more research because there may be a species which will do ok in a more tropical setup.

Also, is there any reason why you can't drop your tank temperature to 22 C?
Well for the fish I have in there at the moment (betta, harlequin rasboras, cherry barbs, glowlights, platinums, neons and cories) ive been told to keep it at 26 for them.
Its not a huge issue if I can't have one, would have just been nice as they are cute and not as obtrusive as a plec, I don't really like plecs =\
Amy xx
25-26 C is the sweetspot for the fish you have now, so the loach won't work :/
Nevermind!! Looks like it will be another cory to up my numbers and manual scrubbing for the algae!!!
Thanks anyway, Amy xx
Nevermind!! Looks like it will be another cory to up my numbers and manual scrubbing for the algae!!!
Thanks anyway, Amy xx
Eh, don't worry about that, they probably wouldn't have touched the algae anyway.
I keep a Hillstream Loache my tank temp is 24, but that rises during the summer months. I've had him for over a year and he is very active feeding on algae he is a joy to watch darting all over the place.

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