Borneo Stonesuckers?????


New Member
Apr 15, 2004
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Anyone ever heard of these little guys? I saw them at a LFS, but they apparently dont know anything about them except that they have them in stock. Anyway dose anyone know anything about them(water peramiters, sociability, diet, adult size, etc.) I would love to have some in my puffer tank if allowed.
Thank you for reading and posting....Be safe all....
Also known as:
Borneo loaches
Borneo Plecs
Butterfly Plecs
Hong-Kong Plecs
Hill Stream Loaches... and many other names.

They need highly oxygenated, cool water.
They eat veggies, algae & meaty things.
They stay pretty small.
They are very social with their own species, and will ignore other species.

Puffers of all species would make them a snack.
I wonder which has more names, Common plecos, or Hill stream loaches :lol:

A puffer probably wouldn't like the cool bubbly water too much, as well as killing the little HS loach -_-
There have been a couple of threads about Hillstream Loaches in the last few days.
Lateral Line said:
There have been a couple of threads about Hillstream Loaches in the last few days.
That's because they are great! My favourite fish, shame my tank is no longer going. Hmmm

I hope people remember they are coldwater fish. -_-
Most LFS have them in regular trop tanks. They don't last long of course, the low circulation does not encourage good gas excahnge and the high temperature drives the O2 out of solution.

They are something of a specialist fish, but the majority of lfs aren't interested in the well being of what they sell, only moving stock - if it dies a week later, "hey, we have more". :(
Lateral Line said:
Most LFS have them in regular trop tanks. They don't last long of course, the low circulation does not encourage good gas excahnge and the high temperature drives the O2 out of solution.

They are something of a specialist fish, but the majority of lfs aren't interested in the well being of what they sell, only moving stock - if it dies a week later, "hey, we have more". :(
I know, it's a shame. :sad: I hate that sort of, replace and forget about it attitude.

That's why I go out of my way to stress that they are coldwater. I kept a species tank for quite a while. Brilliant little guys!
I have 2 of these funny guys. I just love them. Mine are doing well in 24C water. My loaches are quite yellowish in these pictures because they are on sand. They change their color to dark when they are on rock, wood or plant. :wub:




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