Fish Herder
Ok Boris and his chums ( Long Armed Shrimp) have been living in their new 30g for a month now. All 3 have shed with major mutalation from their tank mates Boris have 3 legs and 4 antenna missing, Zippy has a claw and 4 antenna missing and little george is about the same as zippy. As Boris was the largest and most agressive of my shrimp I assumed he was male .. but no.. on close inspection today it seems Boris is infact Brenda as he/she is full of eggs .. I thought when I had a close look some one had attacked him and tried to pull his insides out or something and nearly fell off my chair when I realised its back end was full of eggs. Obviously there will be no babies as these need to be in brackish water to breed (thank Goodness) But I was wondering if anyone had heard of the female being the larger and more aggressive. Everything I have read says these guys always have bigger males with large blue/black claws. I'm really wondering what is going on with them Has Boris had a sex change??