Boring Tank


Rabid Betta Activist
Jan 24, 2005
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((Sorry about image quality, I have a very poor, old digital camera. It made the water look cloudy - which its not, its pristine - and the fish all blurry.))

Ok. So, I have a (temporary) 30 gallon home for my two goldfish. One is a comet, the other is a traditional goldfish (they're growing at the same speed, one's just more streamlined). They will be moving into something much bigger once I have my own place, but from what I've read here, 30 is the acceptable minimum for two goldies so long as its clean.

My thing is, they have the most boring tank of any fish in my house. I like having swimming space for them, but I think they could use... something. A peice of wood, some taller plants, some back-of-the-tank plants. Right now they have a bunch of plants that are about the same kind as I use in my 5 and 10 gallons.

Do you guys have anything you've done with your goldies to make their tank a little more interesting for them? I'd love to give them something they could swim through, like a cave, but all of the ones in the store are so small they'd never fit. Should I get taller plants, or one of those wall-hanging plants? Do they have fake plants with suction cups so they could attach the sides of the aquarium?

Any input appreciated ^^
RandomWiktor, Tangaloor Firefins, and Grizraz.
what about getting some river rock and some amazon swords for the back ground? goldfish tend to leave java fern alone as well.
I wouldnt worry about ornaments as they wil grow too big for them anyway. maybe a clay plant pot on its side to sit in or if you can maybe have it upside down and cut an entrance in it maybe but making sure the edges arent sharp.

you could maybe think of a theme for the tank. dont know what though as i dont have any imagination. japanese maybe? have no gravel with plants in pots or candle holders with gravel gravel so you can move them around the tank and maybe one of those underwater water features.

what temp is the tank?
How about trying a background? I use black plastic garbage bags, costs pennies, adds depth & hides equipment that's in back of the tank.

You could make your own clay/ceramic cave and then have it fired so you can put it in your tank.
Oooh, clay pots. I didn't even think of that!
Maybe they would like a bkg.. I don't think the bright pink walls of my house necesarily appeal to them.
No Japanese; reminds me of my ex. Maybe a pirate theme, my dad's been bitching about the lack of pirate paraphernalia in my tanks.
As for tank temp, its a lot hotter than I want it to be, since its about 100 degrees right now. Its been lingering close to 80, and even though they've been fine, I've been doing partial water changes just to add cooler water all week. I've been trying to keep it closer to 75, which is still too friggen high, but beats 80.
Hey there Random, just to give you an idea of a river bottom approach though I love the pirate idea. ( a friends tank has a pirate theme) This is my 20 gallon, it's got 2 A. swords a java fern, swahala driftwood, river rocks and pebbles. IMO natural tanks really catch peoples attention.

EDIT: Oops, I forgot the picture. :fun:


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