Boring Clown Loaches


Sep 16, 2003
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I adore my clown loaches but the are always hiding. I have heard how much fun they are and how comical. I have seen them play a bit but it always seems they are sleeping in the caves. I want to take the caves out but my husband says no. What can I do to make them be more personable? I have three of them.
The water is fine. Other tank mates are
1 red finned shark-he is actually buddies with the loaches
1 cory cat
2 jilli cats
1 elegance cat
2 ottos
7 tiger barbs-loaches like them too
4 cherry barbs

Hiya Debo,

Don't take the caves out! Clowns love hiding places and half the fun is seeing them race in and out of their dens like they have obsessive compulsive disorder and they've forgotten to switch the gas off!! (this is what it always makes me think of anyway ;) )

How long have you had them for? It may be just that they're a bit shy if they're new, and they'll get bolder as they become accustomed to their surroundings.

Also, am I right in thinking you had an ich problem not so long ago? If so, then it's very customary for clowns to hide away when they're a bit poorly - wait for them to get better and you may find they become dramatically more lively.

HTH :thumbs: !

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