
Fish Fanatic
Dec 21, 2004
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Sydney, Australia
i have 2 pictus catfish that inhabit a 75g with some congo tetras. i have had the catfishes for about a month and a half now but they still dont seem 2 move around as they are told 2 b.

they mainly stay in a cave that i have built for them. im aware that these fish are nocturnal but they still dont move around as much at night. i have observed them quite a number of times and they are always stationary in the same spot, as though not moving at all. FUrthest they have moved from the cave is about 20cm in diameter.
The only time they move is at feeding time. Once their bellies are like marble, they head of to their cave and hide once again.

wot is wrong with my pictus cats? does it take a much longer time to adapt 2 the environment or is there a need to supply them with something in particular?
Get 3 or more they do a lot better in groups and will have a lot more confidence when they are kept with members of the same species :) Like Cory's, you'll see that they are a lot happier when they are kept together :nod:

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