Book Recommendations


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Pet of the Month 🎖️
Dec 31, 2022
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Baltimore, MD
I am looking for Fresh water tropical fish book with color photo plates of all the fish discussed in the book. Any recommendation?
Baensch Aquarium Atlas (freshwater)
By Hans A. Baensch and Rüdiger Riehl
Volume 1 has info on filters, plants, diseases and common fish.
Volume 2-6 have less common fishes and plants.
Comes in a hard cover and soft cover, the hard cover costs more.
There are also marine books by the same author.
If you can find good quality secondhand books they are a lot cheaper.
I think there are 6 freshwater and 3 marine, could be wrong, it's been a while since I saw any.
Everyone should get Oliver Lucanus's Xingu book, from the Below Water site. It's specialized, but it is beautiful. I am, of course prejudiced, as one of the copy editors.
Everyone should get Oliver Lucanus's Xingu book, from the Below Water site. It's specialized, but it is beautiful. I am, of course prejudiced, as one of the copy editors.

How much info on Hypans in that book? He mentions zebras a few times in the video
It's about the habitat. The photography of the fish is superb, but it's more of an explore of where they came from. The Rio Xingu is going to be destroyed by damming, and most of the fantastic Loracarids from the habitat will be endangered or extinct because of the changes.
Baensch Aquarium Atlas (freshwater)
By Hans A. Baensch and Rüdiger Riehl
Volume 1 has info on filters, plants, diseases and common fish.
Volume 2-6 have less common fishes and plants.
Comes in a hard cover and soft cover, the hard cover costs more.
There are also marine books by the same author.
If you can find good quality secondhand books they are a lot cheaper.
You can get these on eBay for a pretty reasonable price. I got the first two volumes that way.

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