Bolivian Rams


Mar 4, 2008
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I purchased a couple of Bolivian Rams just over 2 weeks ago which ive never had. They are not very big- about 3cm so they must be youngsters, and they looked identical so I didnt know if they were male or female. They didnt get on at all at first, one rammed and chased the other constantly. I was on the verge of returning one to the shop when it suddenly all changed! Peace prevailed and one got more colourful and was displaying to the other by rushing over and going backwards and curling and flapping its tail. I didnt take much notice as they both had suddenly developed what appeared to be an oviposter so I assumed they were both females! This morning I came down to find one guarding a batch of eggs. I take this one to be the male as it was more coloured and was the one doing the dancing? Incidentailly in the last day or so the other one has also coloured up brightly now too!

My question is from reading up on web sites they say they pair for life and share the guarding of the eggs, but the male (?) wont let the female near and chases her away! Only this one fish has been on guard for 2 days now Is this normal? Could it be that they are both females but that one has laid the eggs anyway or is this not possible? Also does it mean that all hostilities will be resumed again now?
I am by far not an expert, but your guesses sound reasonable. I suspect the reason you have not received replies is because it is an unusual situation and in a way only time will tell. I don't know either if a female would lay eggs by herself and go through the trouble of defending them.
It could also be male/female that haven't had the opportunity to adjust to the tank and really form the pair. If this is their first time spawning they will not do things by the book. Assuming they are of opposite sex from what I gather it will take them 3 or 4 attempts before they defend the eggs effectively and not forget about them, or eat them, quarrel, etc...

For now I wouldn't worry too much about the bickering. My pair spawned once and they roams the tank together but they have their moments, especially when food is around. Do you have any other fish in the tank? Any chance you could post a picture? They are not the easiest fish to sex, but it would definitely help to have pictures, although at 3cm it might be too early to tell. I'm actually surprised either laid eggs already...
Well after a couple of days those eggs disappeared and im guessing they were not fertile because I have read if they were they would turn a yellow colour and they stayed white? They spawned again on wednesday and once again by friday the eggs had gone. Same senario -only one guarded the eggs and the other wanted to but was chased away.

I have 6 zebra danios, a dwarf gourami, 2 male guppies and a male platy also in the tank.

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