Bolivian Rams Club Website


New Member
May 10, 2008
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Hi, new to the forums here, so I'll start with what I'm really passionate about - Cichlids - particularly Bolivian Rams.... As a result I have created a site dedicated to this fish, please read on.

Still early days, I need submitted pictures to create a nice montage of Bolivian Rams (see site for full details).

I'm also limited to a certain number of pages until the membership or sponsorship comes through, so although there are only a couple of articles on there at the moment more will be added.

The aim is to provide a single dedicated source of information regarding the Bolivian Ram, something to point people to which can truly provide the aquarist with all the information they could possibly need in regards to all aspects of keeping these fish. Rich with pictures and useful tips, sexing guides etc.

Anyway I'd love to get some traffic to it, see what people think about it and eventually expand it (I can't afford to right now). So, if you have any articles, images, videos etc that you think would make a useful contribution, please email me at [email protected] .

All details are on the site under 'Submit Your Photos', for larger files I can make arrangements and I have all the necessary editing, encoding and photo equipment needed in case you are unable to do so.

Thanks for looking!
Sounds like a great site with a passion. Goodluck. Can I suggest covering all types of rams as well? I have a few gbr's that I love but I've never kept a bolivi but will consider.
Hi and thanks for the feedback!

The site is still in it's infancy, the plan is to introduce a species profile dedicated to the Blue Ram - Mikrogeophagus ramirezi, as well. That is still currently in the works as I have a fair bit to do regarding the Bolivians first - I have a dedicated breeding article submitted by one of the members that will go up in the articles section soon, that will cover all aspects of breeding in a nice amount of detail. Not only that but the picture submissions are starting to come through! 250 views in 30 hours with NO google listing etc (yet). I'm pretty chuffed with the apparent interest and demand for this site. Great news for the fish, the main aim of the whole thing.

The other plan is to introduce a forum which will be moderated by myself and a few other Ram nuts, so although it will be a very specialist forum it means that, in the same place that you can find information, you can ask ANY questions you like about either species (Bolivians or Blues) and you WILL recieve an accurate and detailed answer within 24 hours-48 hours (usually much less).

I really want this site to properly and accurately cover all aspects of keeping and breeding Mikrogeophagus (be it Blue or Bolivian).

At the moment I'm just waiting for my funding to come through so I can expand the site to fit everything onto it. Although new additions aren't on the list for the next week or two, after that it should be at a point where I can update the site to a state where it is almost complete, if not complete.

I hope people keep checking back as it evolves. I'm doing this for you (and your fish) out of my pocket, simply because they deserve the attention and benefit of keepers with increased knowledge and awareness :). We owe it to our fish to fully understand their needs and habits.

Hi Blaire,ive just bought 2 bolivian rams today so will be watching this with interest.They are already settling in and seem to be sieving sand through their gills
Sounds great Blair. I'll definitely bookmark your site as a favourite. Rams are becoming more and more popular in fish stores today but there is not much information about them in those local fish stores.
Wow thanks everyone for your kind and supportive words!

I hope the site turns out to be a success, I'm not doing it to make money (the opposite, it's costing me) but I feel that the importance of powerful and accurate knowledge shared is something that cannot be underestimated. I've spoken with many who've had a hard time finding detailed and accurate information about this species, which is odd given their availability, but it was apparent that something had to be done about it. I chose the Bolivian because it is so often looked over, or underestimated and unappreciated, yet they are intelligent, inquisitive, sociable and subtly beautiful fish that all to often suffer neglect (not necessarily on the part of the fishkeeper). So I hope the site works as it should, to improve the quality of life for the fish, to force the quality of stock by making the consumer aware of what the fish SHOULD look like - I aim to create a short article (more a factsheet) regarding the use of hormones in some of the major breeding farms and how this affects the fish, both short and long term, to make recommendations for where to select fish from and what to look for, etc.

I thank you again for all of your support and kind words.
A few other things to add:

I ask that all of you email the site to your friends/family/anyone who may find it useful/interesting or simply educational. I really want maximum spread with this, it's the best chance that I, and others concerned with improving the quality of life for these fish, have. Please remember this is coming out of my pocket (ie I don't make money from the site), so I need all the help I can get with making this available.

There are several other articles in the works - a highly detailed breeding and fry care article has been written by another member of our club that's waiting to go up, I'm also collaborating as many pictures as possible to help in the creation of a few things;

1. A factsheet that will cover the basics of ensuring you purchase quality stock by providing "check-points" if you will, so that the aquarist is better informed with readily available information AT the fish store (ie what to buy, what to avoid, what to ask)....
2. Aquascaping examples - if you have a nicely aquascaped tank with Bolivians that are clearly thriving, I want your pics, of the fish AND the whole tank.
3. An article regarding the treatment of illnesses to ensure that IF you run into problems, you know exactly what to do.
4. I may have already mentioned - a User Submitted Photo Gallery, where I will be displaying submitted photo's of Bolivians.
Obviously there's the forum and detailed Breeding article to add to that.

There are other idea's bouncing around but for now those are my main objectives. If you do have a suggestion for something I haven't thought of then please share it, if you have something to add I am open to working with you to create it - what information did you really feel was lacking when you first got your Bolivians and wanted to find out more about them?

It's hard to know as you get used to the small details after a while and these are the things that I don't want to miss out on.... If you want to have a go at writing your own article please contact me with your idea's, I'll let you know whether it is something we can work into the site and if so you will obviously be credited (and have the pleasure of knowing you've truly helped both the fish and their keeper.)

So, predominantly I need photos - don't be shy individuals, get snapping and become a part of the clan, I am fairly capable with photoshop so if a shot is everything you wanted but slightly soft on focus I can work with it. DON'T be afraid of the quality or quantity, submit submit, submit!

No-one is judging, I aim to give everyone who submits a picture "air time" so if you do send a pic and don't see it up with the first lot, don't be disheartened, it's only because I will have run out of room for the moment (remember I am still limited to the size of the site, once I have funding I can expand it and this will no longer be an issue). ALL photos are credited to the original owner and remain your property, whether they are photo contest entries, general gallery entries, etc.

Images to [email protected]
Max 800 pixels width,
Min 500 pixels width.

Keep each individual image below 1MB please, if you want to send quite a substantial quantity please contact me first so that I can make arrangements.

Please please please remember to provide me with your name as you would like it credited and preferably, although not essential, your location... UK, USA etc.

Thanks again all,

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