Bolivian Rams And Shrimp


Fish Fanatic
Apr 19, 2014
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I have a pair of Bolivian rams in a 50 litre tank and want to mature some shrimp in the tank with them.

I buy the shrimp in at 1-3 mm long and grow them for resale or to go in my other tanks.

This is my first time keeping Bolivian rams so I don't know much about them. Would they eat the shrimp or would they live in harmony :p

Thanks, TheAquariumGuy
Rams shouldn't be in anything less than upper twenty-thirty gallon tanks, I'm afraid. They aren't suitable for your tank. Also, many rams will snack on a few shrimp, so it might not work out well anyway.
Ah in that case I will swap them with the dwarf gourami in my large tank.

The gourami swill go into the 50 litre whereas the rams will go into their old tank.

That should be ok shouldn't it.

The gourami will be ok with the shrimp won't they.
In the end it will be 2 dwarf gourami and 4 rummy nosed tetra with some shrimp in the 50 litre. And 2 rams 9 rosy tetras an an ancestries in my 100 litre
Yeah, the dwarf gourami should be fine. You might lose one or two, but I believe they will stay at the surface enough that they may not even realize the shrimp even exist. If you can add two more of those tetras to the smaller tank, I think these very shy fish will feel more comfortable.
Ah cool so lemme get this straight.

100 litre (20 gal) = 2 Bolivian rams 9 rosy tetra and an ancistrus
50 litre (10 gal) = 2 dwarf gourami 6 rummy nosed tetra and 10 shrimp.

Thanks very much, TheAquariumGuy
Yeah that would work. I would probably do larger water changes weekly then, maybe around 35-50%. 

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