Bolivian Ram


Fish Fanatic
May 1, 2006
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Dorset, UK
I've just bought a male bolivian ram (was displayed as a Red Ram) to add to my tank. Its in there with cory's and harlequins.

he only went in a few hours ago, and is looking a little quiet, trying an failing to keep up with the cory's!

should Bolivian Rams be kept in pairs, or will he be ok on his own?
I tried (and failed) to find a female that my BR would accept. I finally gave up and he seems perfectly happy by himself in my community tank.

I would not be unduly worried if he is a bit quiet the first few days. Once he finds his feet he will more than look after himself. I would guess that at the moment he is probably acting in a timid manner and is either very pale or very dark grey all over. Both are signs of stress and is common when they are put in a new tank.

I have been told that they are a bit tougher than the likes of German rams, but still quite fussy with water quality. I lost 2 of my females, but put this down to the shop I bought them from. The one I have now is lively, friendly and beautifully coloured. He is my favourite fish (but don't tell the others...).
many thanks, puts my mind at rest.

he's still colourful, just getting his bearings really...

here he is! :good:


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