Bolivian Ram Help


Jan 10, 2008
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i have two bolivian rams
they have been doing reeally good except now one,the female, has her dorsal clamped and stays on the bottom the whole day
she also has these red spicky things sticking out of her anus
she is not very intrested in food
water quality shouldnt be an issue-rainbows are spawning

55 gallon
heavily planted
waterchange once a week
nitrate 10
nitrite 0
ammonia 0
ph 7.6
everything is really stable
havent had a fish die in over a year
Do you feed bloodworms.
It could be camallanous worms.

Signs of internal parasites are.
Long stringy white poo, clear mucas poo, or red hair like worms prutruding from the anus.
Enlarged anus, red inflamed anus.
Fish will look skinny or bloated.
Sunken in belly.
Bent spine sometimes.
Fish will sometimes swim on there sides.
Spitting food out.
Flicking and rubbing sometimes.
Worms prutruding from the anus.
Sounds like callamanus worm to me too, you need to treat the tank as soon as possible, the worms could be infecting your other fish, i would isolate her as soon as possible either way the whole tank would have to be treated with an antibiotic. di
There are lots of pictures on google if you wanted to see if you could definitely ID them as callamanus worms.
Coincidently there was one of a bolivian ram.
Here a pic of camallanous worms.


  • 2010-01-210171.jpg
    7.7 KB · Views: 228
yes i feed bloodworms
did it come because of my water quakity?

iwant to get discus, but everything has to be perfect

it is callumnarus
i took her out
also the male :-(

i cant get antibiotic becaue apparently they dont sell it in the us
so yes i put them down :-( :-( :-(
You will need to worm the whole tank, with one of these meds suggested in the below article.
Don't put them down. You might be able to save them if there not infested.

Antibiotics are available in the united states, but you need to treat with an internal parasites med first.
You will also need to buy a medicated bacterial food once you have wormed the fish.
As camallanous worms can cause bacterial infections.



When the fish is stationary, deep red worms can be seen protruding from the anal pore. They are only visible when the fish is still because the worms retreat into the intestine at the fish�s slightest movement. Other signs may include an inflamed and enlarged anus. In severe infestations, the fish may become emaciated and spinal curvature may also occur.


The parasitic worms Camallanus Cotti and Camallanus lacustris. These small, livebearing parasitic worms attach to the intestinal walls and rectum with pinchers. The worm�s grip is so tight that any attempts to remove it forcibly will rip away tissue from the intestinal wall. The worm�s pinching causes ischemia (reduced blood flow) to that part of the intestine. In time, the tissue to that part of the intestine will die, at which time the worm will migrate to another part of the intestine. This causes perforations throughout the intestine, which allows other pathogens to gain entry. If the fish is not treated, either the parasite or bacterial will kill the fish. Camallanus infestations occur most often in livebearing fish such as Guppies and Mollies, though infection is possible in all fish. Camallanus infestations are contagious. All fish, including those not yet showing visible symptoms, as well as the aquarium, should be treated.


Treat with Internal Parasite Guard, Pipzine, Disco-Worm, Trichlorfon or Fluke-Tabs as well as a medicated food to prevent a bacterial infection.
what would it come from

will the meds hurt my plants?
Just read the package and see if it'll hurt your plants, some do but many don't. Either way you can't put new fish in that tank with the infected plants, so unless you want a tank of just plants you'll have to treat the whole tank.
This made me sad though, in my opinion next time you shouldn't euthanize your fish until you're sure that there is no way to save them
i have not euthanized any more fish once i found out about meds that can be used
i was jusst taking fast action to try to save the rest of my fish-please dont blame me for that

i have seen some meds i can use, though, and will order them

would jungles internal parasite medicated foods work?
it has that one indgredient levamisole
Yes the jungle meds fine.

If you are worried about the plants remove them from the tank.
But you will need to steralise them before introducing them back to the main tank.

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