

New Member
Mar 27, 2005
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can anyone help out there we have just set up a rena 190 litre tank and have put our lime free sand in and bog wood in also now lots of plants and have noticed our large piece of bogwood growing fungus can anyone help me to get rid of this we have put 5 pristella tetras in the tank to help cycle along with a product called cycle this weekend ,i really dont want to lose the bogwood as it is so unusual with a cave in the bottom please please help can this fungus pass over to the fish also or damage the plants thanks :kana:
Just put some salt in some sink water and give it a scrub with a toothbrush.
hi thanks for that we already took it out once and soaked overnight in a fungus medicine ,and it as still returned ,one shop told us to get rid ,will salt do the job ,it is a very large unusual piece we couldnt even fit it in a dustbin to soak how much salt would you put in the water to clean it and is it household salt or aquarium salt ,will it harm the fish
Table salt will be fine just tip loads of salt in , just scrub it then add some clean water add some more salt and let soak for a while, then rinse.
i have hopefully posted a picture of the bog wood and hope you understand why i want to try my best to get rid of the fungus we searched a lot of shops for this piece it wont fit in my sink so will have to o in bath


  • DSCF0171.JPG
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That lovely peice of bog wood nice tank, has the fungus come back.

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