Bog Wood?


New Member
Sep 18, 2008
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Went for a walk today and came accross a running stream with a real nice large piece of bog wood in it.
It looks and feels exactly like the few small pieces of bogwood ive had in my tank for years.
It was covered in tiny organisms (shrimp and mini-worm type creatures - Leaches?).
Currently its in a huge pot of boiling water, well 50% of it is hehe and I will regularily turn it around so it gets totally sterilised.
Question is.. Will it be safe in my tank?
The stream/brook was approximately half a mile from a tidal estuary so will it be laden with salt?
Is salt bad for my tropical freshwater tank?
I understand the soaking process to get rid of most of the tanins, just concerned about it being "Wild" bogwood
laden with organisms and near to a tidal estuary (salt). The stream was near to some farmland so cant be sure theres no
chemicals (fertilisers etc) involved.

I have a 4foot communial tank with danios, red tailed shark, Clown loaches,, black widow tetras, 2 plecos and cherry shrimp
hiding among all the plants I have.

Thanks in advance
I would give it a good week of boilings to be on the safe side, but it should ok. (I think)
Yep boil and soak it for about a week and you should be fine!
Dont think its bogwood, but rather driftwood after a google on why its floating and not sinking.
Its come up clean with only a small amount of brown water staining after 4 hours of boiling/water top ups so thats good.
Gonna leave it in big container covered in water for about a month till it sinks and stays sunk as the google page advised.

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