Bog Wood


New Member
May 9, 2004
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hi only mee.

ok i got a problem i got some new bog wood 3 days ago for my oscar tank and its made my tank water go brown(tea) colour i want to know how to clear this as the filter isnt doing it so do i need to make water changes as normal is it harmful to the fish?

any advice welcome.

Its the tannin in the wood. It wont harm your fish. Did you soak & rinse the wood before you put in the tank?

if you remove it and soak until the water is clear. Water changes will eremove it from your tank.
What you need to do is go back in time to before you put the wood in the tank (not easy, maybe ask the people on the science board). Then soak it for 48 hours. Hope this helps :good:
adding carbon to the filter will remove the tannine's already in the water, however the wood will continue to leach more water out. take it out from the water put it in a bucket full of water, change the water every day until it comes clear
yes i wish i could go back in time lol :shifty:

iv taken it out and put it in a bucket for now going to do a 30% water change tommorrow see if i can get it down and my filter already has 2 carbon bags in.
try new carbon, it doesn't last long, like 24hrs. you need to add fresh, let it do it's thing then remove it the day after
yes i wish i could go back in time lol :shifty:

iv taken it out and put it in a bucket for now going to do a 30% water change tommorrow see if i can get it down and my filter already has 2 carbon bags in.

I would've left it in. The colour is the natural colour the fish would be used to and the tannins have a medical property that is good to fish (so I am told)
Bogwood will always release tannins...although the amount it releases will reduce over time. If you want to get rid of it without all the hassle Purigen is far better than carbon for removing tannins and is rechargable also.
its strange really cos iv used bog wood so many other times much bigger ones wch havent leeched anything......................strange
I had to soak my bogwood for three days, changing the water regularly, before it went in my new tank.
Then the water was clear for about a week, and then it started clouding. I have replaced the carbon in the filter, done a large water change, and the water is almost clear again now.
I know the tannins are harmless, but it is nice to look at clear water instead of cloudy.
I just posted a topic about a week ago in the 'hardwear and DIY' section as im having the same problem. I was just going to start anothert topic about it but looks like i dont have to now. I think it looks coo lwith the tannins in the water but i also like clear water. I soaked mine for 48 hours and im just gonna rinse it now and bang it in the tank. Good luck matt28781, hope you get it sorted. Cheers Joemuz

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